Just looking to see what would sound best.

The second toggle switch I may replace with a 3 way toggle and wire it to do something. But it had 2 pick-ups, 2 volumes, 2 tones, and 2 toggle switches(1 pick-up selector and 1 ?), and I would like to put something back in each hole. Rather than enjoying a fine ebook following a cup of coffee in the afternoon, instead they juggled gone some harmful virus inside their computer. Get a custom drawn guitar or bass wiring diagram designed to your. Since I have had it 50+ years and plan to keep it, I am not worried about stock specs. Teisco Adjustable Fixed Bridge Tailpiece set for Vintage Electric Guitar Chrome. I couldnt find wiring diagrams for either one. The Encore Teisco Hollowbody Electric Guitar has 2 volumes and 2 tone controls. The Teisco Hollowbody Electric Guitar has the pickup and controls you mentioned. When I Googled Encore Teisco Hollowbody Electric Guitar, I came up with this: When Googled Teisco Hollowbody Electric Guitar, this came up: If the guitar has one volume and one tone knob, then they should be master volume and master tone otherwise, you probably have two volume and two tone knobs, so each pickup has its own controls. If you DONT need it wired to stock specs, and can describe what you'd like the switching to do (and post a pic of the switches and control layout), Im sure either I, or one of the other members here can help you out. If this is a typical '60s Teisco, the two rocker switches are just on-off switches for each pickup, like on a Jaguar. Is it absolutely necessary to wire it to stock specs? If it is, you'll have a tough time finding a wiring schematic for that particular guitar. Any help finding a wiring diagram would be appreciated. One toggle is a 3 way pickup switch, the other is a tone switch. It has two pickups, 2 volume, 2 tone, and 2 toggle switches. I have a Vintage 1960's Encore / Teisco Hollowbody Electric Guitar, I am looking for the wiring diagram for it.